BrickWarriors Minifigure Bodywear Steampunk Wings Pair
BrickWarriors Minifigure Bodywear Steampunk Wings Pair
BrickWarriors Minifigure Bodywear Steampunk Wings PairBLACK

BrickWarriors Minifigure Bodywear Steampunk Wings Pair

Brand: BrickWarriors
Type: Minifigure bodywear
Colour: Black
In Stock

BrickWarriors Minifigure Bodywear Steampunk Wings with Wing Clip Attachment Pair Black

BrickWariors minifigure bodywear are created specifically for LEGO figures using high quality ABS plastic. Let your figure take flight by adding these wings to one of our Wing Compatible Bodywear.

Make sure your minifigure is never underdressed by visiting our Minifigure Bodywear section for a great range of Capes, Bodywear, and Armour!