Custom Design Hair Short Textured Swept Right
Custom Design Hair Short Textured Swept Right
Custom Design Hair Short Textured Swept RightDARK BROWN Out of Stock

Custom Design Hair Short Textured Swept Right

Brand: FireStar
Type: Minifigure hair
Colour: Dark brown
Sorry this item is out of stock

FireStar Custom Design Minifigure Hair Short Textured Swept Right Dark Brown

This design has been created by our very own LEGO loving design team at the FireStar Toys design studio. Our custom design hair are created specifically for LEGO figures using high quality injection molded resin. Our custom design hair are created specifically for LEGO figures using soft rubber gel, which provides a more natural look.

Give your minifigure a new marvellous mop with our awesome range of Minifigure Hair and ensure your minifigure is always looking their best!