Custom Design Minifigure The Kingslayer
Custom Design Minifigure The Kingslayer
Custom Design Minifigure The Kingslayer Out of Stock
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additional image for Custom Design Minifigure The Kingslayer
Sorry this item is out of stock Custom Design Minifigure The King Slayer

Once a cocky and arrogant minifigure, The Kingslayer has become a toy of honour. Though he has done many naughty things, he’ll redeem himself by helping fight back the threats North of Brickteros. Although he lost his right hand, we’ve found him a replacement amongst our spares.


The Kingslayer comes with 360 degree, highly detailed printing, a powerful sword, and buckets of charisma. is a reseller for Visit to see their full range of custom figures!

Disclaimer: Please be aware that this product was created using custom designed artwork inspired by popular characters and is in no way affiliated or associated with copyrighted and trademarked products or brands.